Empowered and Embodied to Evolve
- June 23, 2022
This Thinking Thursday, I’m feeling!
Feeling more empowered and embodied, as I evolve!
My journey of personal development has been so rich, as I adventure into a Aligned And Authentic & Fully Self-Expressed human being!
Curiosity and courage have been necessary elements along the path.
To be truly vulnerable as we believe that we have to be real, to feel & heal… I have at times felt fear, anxiety, doubt, and moments of suicidal ideation.
Unlearning the programming and cultural conditioning that burdened my ego was crucial!
Relearning a mindset and heartset of service to my Soul’s Purpose was pivotal.
The Love Your Vibe Transformation has tied together so many of these ingredients with a neat little bow.
I’m feeling very grateful to Elvira V. Hopper for the opportunity to walk my talk, inviting me to co-create a vehicle to lead other leaders!
Together we’re consciously cultivating love and affecting the world in our own impactful & beautiful way.
Are you exactly where you wish to be? Or might there be More In Store for YOU?
Feel free to reach out to any of us on our heart-centred team if you wish to explore what might be in this beautiful work for YOU!
Relax, Refresh, Reflect and Rejuvenate
You Are the best investment you will ever make
Personal Empowerment, Embodiment and Evolution