Fear vs Excitement Outside Your Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

Fear vs excitement outside your comfort zone

Change can be scary 😱
I hope this tale inspires you to try something new, outside your comfort zone?
When we’re called to step up, our guts can quiver with nerves 😜
Our ego pops up with a voice ‘who do you think you are?’ which keeps us small, and ostensibly ‘safe.’
Does this sound familiar?
In relationships, career, health, advocacy and more..
‘I can’t’, says the imposter, ‘what would people think?’ ‘You’ll fail.’ 🥺
I’ve felt this way multiple times in my life, each time more terrifying than the last 😱
Really, Universe??
Signs of synchronicity every step of the way, that can even be interpreted as miracles 🙏 So.. yeah!
Asking out the guys that caught my attention. Public speaking practice with Toastmasters. Delegating to Municipal Council to request environmental policies. Running provincially for MPP. Running federally for MP 😲
Transitioning my business from an established RMT practice with relative security, towards my aligned purpose of facilitating holistic wellness of body, mind & spirit with services, not covered by insurance anymore 🤯
With varying results! Even in ‘losing’, there are always lessons gained in growing outside our comfort zone 🌟
Best yet, when feeling those butterflies in my gut, I can look forward!
I understand now with the skill of discernment, this is how my body & spirit lets me know it’s the right decision to make for my personal evolution 🦋
Fear transforms into excitement!
This has been the process of embodying myself, getting out of my head and into the present moment.
Getting to hear about the issues in my tissues has taken much effort, yet is well worth the practice ☮
How does this resonate with you?? How does your body speak to you?
Your feedback & questions are always welcome 🌸
Go get ’em!!
#TheLoveYourVibeTransformation #HolisticEleanor #MiracleMindsetMentor #SelfLoveIsTheBestLove 
Relax, Refresh, Reflect and Rejuvenate

You Are the best investment you will ever make

Personal Empowerment, Embodiment and Evolution