Holistic Massage with Tapping
- May 10, 2022
Massage with Holistic Eleanor can run the gamut of emotions on the path to peace 

Emotions are not weakness, as many of us have been conditioned. Emotions are strength 

They can feel stuck though 

Even ‘negative’ emotions are not bad, and can be a natural reaction to life in this weird world 

There is opportunity to feel in better flow though, more aware through the ups & downs 

One treatment option I provide is acupressure-tapping: massaging points on the head/face, torso & hands while talking and breathing together 

Many people feel relief, even in as little as one session 

A metaphor for this approach that makes the most sense to me, is in how we use a keyboard to program a computer, we can use acupressure points to reprogram our emotional body 

This process is fascinating — how our upset thoughts and feelings can shift, and we can feel more empowered with our choices 

Laughing & crying tears is cathartic, in safe space. It’s my purpose to listen while you share your stories, ease your journey and watch you evolve 

For more info & to book: https://holisticeleanor.com/holistic-massage/
Relax, Refresh, Reflect and Rejuvenate
You Are the best investment you will ever make
Personal Empowerment, Embodiment and Evolution