Life Messages Book Launch & Show
- October 3, 2014
Tonight is Laurie Goodman’s Life Messages Book Launch and Show at the Mohawk Inn & Conference Centre. I’m so pleased to be a part of this inspirational movement!
Laurie asked me to share some background about my life message:
Create conditions for HEALING in Dynamic Balance with NATURE and SPIRIT Holistically!
As a youth who loved science and nature, I value analytical logic and was surprised when the universe taught me there’s more to life than meets the eye, qualified and quantified; spirit and magic. Surrounded by the splendor of Mother Nature as a Girl Guide of Canada, I also came to value conservation and gratitude for Earth.
I gravitated naturally to massage wanting to help people heal and later incorporated emotional, mental and spiritual wellness as a part of physical healing. My path has shown me that we as humans are inextricably connected to the web of life necessitating the healing of our environment and planet hand in hand with our own healing journey, taking nothing for granted.
My message reflects this dynamic balance with conscious awareness of holistic wellness for self-development. Thank you, Laurie, for sharing space with me to help articulate my message better!
Thanks again,
Look for me tonight greeting guests in a yellow rain poncho as part of the Happiness Sprinkling Project 🙂
Congratulations to Laurie Goodman for putting this whole book & event together!
Read an excerpt from the Press Release below:
Milton photographer’s popular Life Messages project is gaining momentum! A plain black piece of paper, a white marker, and a little inspiration. These were the raw materials for Life Messages™ – a once modest photography project that is quickly becoming a movement. Laurie Goodman of Campbellville, Ontario is the photographer who created Life Messages photo shoots. In the beginning, she knew only that she wanted to work with women, beyond simply taking their picture. She asked them to come in for a free photo shoot armed with a moving message or personal quotation – something they live by or teach their children, or that defines what they’ve been through. “It just felt right to do this,” Goodman says. “I had no idea it would explode the way it has. People started sharing their pictures and in just three months I shot more than 100 women.”Woman after woman has come to Goodman’s quiet and comfortable loft space, settled in, and talked to her about what has led them to their life messages. They write the message in white on black paper and sign it, then Goodman takes their picture with it. The messages range from “Keep moving” to “Never stop learning” to “Follow your heart,” and are the words of women who have battled cancer or fled abusive situations, been overcome by the love of a child or found fulfillment in business.
Goodman hoped that the project would encourage women to help other women. She was surprised to learn that the women found the photo shoot personally uplifting.“I started to see that the women were getting a real boost from sharing their stories with me and seeing their messages come alive in the photographs,” Goodman says. “Women have said that their lives have been changed by doing this. I think it’s because it makes you stop and think about what’s really important, write it down, and commit to it.”
Relax, Refresh, Reflect and Rejuvenate
You Are the best investment you will ever make
Personal Empowerment, Embodiment and Evolution