Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day

I’ve been bullied, and honestly I’ve been a bully. It felt awful 😣
Are you feeling me?
I discovered the concept of control dramas in The Celestine Prophecy book in my 20’s, and it changed my life forever!! I slowly yet surely unlearned this bad habit!
When we engage in behaviour that plays out as power-over (bully), or power-under (victim), there’s actually a struggle/stealing of energy from each other, which we all know to be very draining and even hurtful at times 😖
Whoever said “sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was incorrect, and this cultural ditty needs to end!
On my journey of #PersonalDevelopment I eventually came upon the topic of our ego, and our unconscious mind — our shadow, depending on how you look at it.
Parts of me experienced trauma causing disconnection from my own inner power, and had to learn how to heal, and reconnect within.
I eventually learned that through my ego, I was bullying myself!!
It took conscious effort to recognize these voices and behaviour with time, and practice.
I’ve been integrating with awareness these voices that stem from an instinct to defend myself, which as you may know, can just exacerbate the cycle of violence 💥
Now I’m even less likely to engage in harmful control dramas, even when I’m feeling provoked, or triggered 🙏
I’m centering more and more in my inner power with peace and love, and can better communicate from that space, rather than lash out when I feel threatened ☮
It’s tragic that in our society, we tend to hurt those closest to us.
I believe it will take all of us to do the #InnerWork, to interrupt violence, oppression and war in the world. I have pledged to stand for those I see in harms way, wherever possible.
May these words shine a light for you to reflect 🌟 Blessed be 💞
Relax, Refresh, Reflect and Rejuvenate

You Are the best investment you will ever make

Personal Empowerment, Embodiment and Evolution