Services for your body work and inner work
- March 4, 2022
How have you been? The world has been a challenging place the past couple years.. at times I have sensed a deep vortex sucking down with fear into darkness, doubt, sadness, grief, hopelessness 

These emotions are normal reactions to life events. The practice of inner works allows us to flex our mental muscles, so we may acknowledge these justified hardships, yet learn to rise above with resilience 

The combination of Body Work (physical, including massage), with Inner Work (mental, emotional and spiritual energy) is a powerful integration for healing holistically 

It’s my honour to share my gifts and skills for your evolutionary journey with Holistic Eleanor

The simple, yet effective personal development teachings and tools of The Love Your Vibe Transformation, founded by the inspirational Elvira V. Hopper Coaching have shifted my world dramatically! And for the betterment of all heart-centred people 

My fellow Miracle Mindset Mentor Jennifer Hawkins and I are pleased and privileged to have space for ONE MORE heart-centered person to more deeply learn about themselves for inner empowerment in this wonky world 

Is there anything here for you?
ARE YOU: — March registration closes this weekend!

“I am currently enrolled in The Love Your Vibe Transformation 6-Month Group Mentorship Program!
I am not even finished yet and I am completely different person since October.
I now have Personal Power, Self Respect and Self Love. Boundaries of Protection.
I now have Power Tools to find strength and confidence in myself every day.
Truly as I diffuse my challenging life situations mentally, the situations are shrinking and resolving.
All this is facilitated in my small loving community. This program is designed SO beautifully with supportive baby steps which can’t help but lead to wondrous AHA Moments!
Years of therapy rolled into six months in the comfort of my home.
Sounds too good to be true? Well the thing about Miracles is that NOTHING is TOO GOOD to be TRUE.” ~Vicky A.
Please reach out with any and all questions 

Relax, Refresh, Reflect and Rejuvenate
You Are the best investment you will ever make
Personal Empowerment, Embodiment and Evolution